Our first day was a little rough but we made it through and had a blast. The hotel was amazing... HUGE! over 3000 rooms on this site alone and 1000 more rooms coming. We picked this resort due to the things they had planned and all the things they had for kids to do.
We ate at this amazing Brazilian restaurant... the best meal the whole week... Fun!
We met my friend from New York... Lisa and her husband Willie and two boys Brandon and Austin. I've know Lisa since I was 2 years old. It's so nice to go on vacation with people who get along and the husbands and children all get along! That is a rare thing with so many people and personalities...
This was the fire show they put on for one of the nights entertainment!!! The US fire Marshall's would have had a heyday with these folks!!! They had people sitting in isles and you could smell the kerosene oil...
We went on en excursion to a Mayan Ruin site and hiked and swan all day... Fun. The weather there is the same as it is in Az. right now. 80's to 85... but the humidity is high. The water is amazingly blue and clear...
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